It Is What It Is

A Journal of Joy: Things that make my heart smile…

One of my philosophies is not to worry about what I can’t control. Boy, do I love to be in control! Unfortunately, life is full of uncontrollable situations. It’s then I say to myself, “It is what it is!”

Say you are seated in a restaurant, they bring the menu, and you notice there are no prices. You are too embarrassed to ask what the items cost or leave, so you order. When the bill comes—“it is what it is”—and you pay it, but the tip may be a little low.

Say you are traveling and have car trouble in a remote town. There is only one gas station and you need your car fixed. When the bill comes—“it is what it is”—so you just pay it.

Life is full of what I like to call “it is what it is” situations. Some are inconveniences such as: Your child gets sick at school and you must leave the big meeting you planned to go get him. You have a really, really bad hair day. Your car won’t start and you are late. You get lost. Men forget to shave. Women get a run in their pantyhose. Do women even still wear pantyhose? Whatever! “It is what it is”—so you deal with the situation.

Some circumstances are just so unfair. The other person gets the promotion. A debilitating illness strikes a loved one. Your girlfriend breaks up with you. Someone gossips about you. You do the work; your supervisor takes the credit. “It is what it is”—so you cope.

Other things may be unfair but you get the benefit. You get the promotion when the other guy should have gotten it. You survive the accident when you should have died. The cop didn’t give you a ticket even though you were speeding. “It is what it is”—so you rejoice!

I have learned that I can’t control life, but with God’s help I can control my reaction to it. That’s what the first part of the serenity prayer is talking about. “GOD, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…”

The serenity referred to here is not complacency to what we are going through. The prayer goes on to ask God for “the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” This serenity is a peace that can only come from God. It passes all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7). We don’t need to fret or worry. We know God is with us. This kind of peace or serenity can only come through participating in a relationship with God.

Much of life is a mystery. I don’t know what will come next all the time. It is what it is! I think God planned it that way. If I knew everything, I wouldn’t need faith. I don’t know what tomorrow holds. It is what it is! Fortunately, I know Who holds tomorrow. And God will see me through whatever lies ahead, if I let Him.

There’s much comfort in knowing that the great “I AM” (John 8:58) can help me make it through any “it is what it is” situations that come along in my life!


O God, You are the great I AM! You always were and You always will be! I’m so thankful You hold my life in Your loving hands. You never promised the Christian walk would be without problems, but You promised to be with me through it all! And You have been and You will continue as long as I rely on You. I know You can help me cope and survive the confusion and uncertainty in life. Grant me Your peace when those “it is what it is” moments come my way.

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