Choose to Use Your Access to God Wisely

Choices change our lives…

By Barbara Dahlgren

Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace…”

Years ago I heard a sermon about this verse. The preacher wasn’t totally advocating a “name it and claim it,” “blab it and grab it,” or “health and wealth” gospel, but he did give the impression we should boldly ask God for what we want and if it’s good for us, good for everyone around us, and just plain good – God will give it to us.

Well, that’s what I did… and guess what? God didn’t give me what I wanted. Imagine my disappointment! My faith was a bit shaken because I felt like I was taking a giant leap of faith to make a request boldly. I also felt like my lack of faith prevented me from getting it.

Is our faith a bit wobbly when God doesn’t give us what we want – when clearly we know it would be the best for everyone concerned?

Ah…but do we really know what is the best for everyone? We may think we do, but maybe we don’t. God sees all and knows all. Only He knows what is best for everyone! Is it our lack of faith that prevents a request, or God’s faithfulness to doing what is best that makes the difference?

So what does it mean to come boldly before the throne of grace?

Actually this passage isn’t about our boldness – at least not the kind of boldness we associate with this word – like being brash, brave, or daring. The whole passage is letting us know we can have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, our High Priest. We have direct access to Jesus Christ! We don’t need to go through another person like a priest, a minister, a guru, a psychic, or an angel to get to God. This direct access thing is a big deal and was not really possible for the common man before the death of Christ.

In Old Testament times, the High Priest was the mediator between God and the people. Only he could enter the Holy of Holies in the temple (Hebrews 9:7). The Holy of Holies was a special place, considered the earthly dwelling place for God’s presence. A veil or thick curtain divided it from the rest of the temple, where man could dwell.

However, when Jesus died for our sins, that veil or curtain was miraculously “rent” or torn from top to bottom (Matthew 27:50-51). God no longer dwells in temples made of hands (Acts 17:24). The way to God the Father is not through the temple, but through Christ His Son, because Jesus is now our High Priest (Hebrews 10:19-22).

And Jesus, our High Priest, came to earth, lived among us, and totally understands everything we go through (Hebrews 4:14-16). He feels our pain. He knows our weaknesses and temptations. So when we talk to Him, He “gets” us! He understands us. He knows where we are coming from.

Therefore, we can come “boldly” before Him.

The Greek word for boldly here is “parrhesia” and it means to be frank, outspoken, and even blunt. We can tell Jesus exactly how we feel. It’s not about making bold requests we want God to fulfill like some big sugar daddy in the sky. It’s about being honest without fear of reprisal. It’s about pouring our hearts out to the One who understands and having confidence in Him to do the best thing for us. We come boldly to Him so we can obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

Consider this… We don’t have to worry that we are praying in the wrong way, at the wrong time, or with the wrong stance. We have a High Priest who looks beyond all that to our hearts. God doesn’t want to punish us; He wants us to realize how much He loves us!

One final thought… You see, it’s not our faith or lack of faith that makes the difference in our prayers; it’s God’s faithfulness!

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